Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Welcome to my Home Page!
As long as researching your family history makes you "Crazy",
you might as well listen to it.
One day, about twenty-two years ago, I had this bright idea! Why don't I try to find out more about my ancestors? Little did I realize what a Pandora's Box I was opening up. Not only did I begin to trace my ancestors, but I began a project to go through all of the newspapers of my county (Cotton Co., OK) since 1901, to extract all of the obituaries from them. As I was going through them, I also collected a great deal of historical data on the county, and of course, I copied all of the information on my own family, who came to this county in 1901 and 1908. This was only the beginning of the projects I would find myself involved in. I joined the Southwest Oklahoma Genealogical Society at Lawton and am now serving my sixteenth year as president. I have spent untold hours in libraries gathering information and many more hours at the computer putting the information collected into PAF or making books. My Ancestral Garden is forever blooming with perennials, even though some of my roses have a few thorns on them, and there's a weed or two among the daisies and daffodils, not to mention the obligatory nut that occasionally falls off the old Family Tree. Doing genealogy will sometimes make you howl at the moon, but it also brings you a great deal of joy as you find out more about the lives of your ancestors and make new friendships with distant cousins you never knew you had, and shed a few tears for the lost records and information you may never find. Each new ancestor I find adds a gold coin to the pot at the end of the rainbow and makes my life more complete.
You'd Be Wise to Look at These Web Sites
Southwest Oklahoma Genealogical Society - All about the society and a good Links page.
Walters (OK) High School
Walters High School Alumni
Reunions - Magazine of Family, School & Military Reunions
303rd Bomb Group Assn. - WWII B-17 Bomb Group
PC Magazine
Internet Movie Database - All you ever wanted to know about the movies.
All-Music Guide
The BIGEYE Selected Web Sites - A variety of interesting sites to visit.
The Old Farmers Almanac
The White House Home Page
The U.S. Senate Home Page
The U.S. House of Representatives Home Page
Any Day In History
Genealogical Journeys In Time
GenBook - Convert your PAF data into a book, complete with index.
RootsWeb Genealogical Data Cooperative
Ancestry - Search the Social Security Death Index and many other databases
Archiving Early America
The Quotation Page
Findlaw - Legal Resources
The 'Lectronic Law Library
Medical Online
Webster's Dictionary
Winfiles.Com - Shareware Files & Computer Tips
Unclaimed Assets - Info & Links to State Lists
The Heritage Foundation
The Smithsonian
Railway Historical & Technical Society Museum
Smick and Smodoo's Old Codger's Midi Page - Another large selection of midi files.
The Web Museum - Photographs of famous paintings, where they hang and biographical sketches of the artists.
The Fifties
MapBlast - Makes a map of any street address which can be printed, e-mailed or pasted into a web page.
Four 11 Directory Services - Add your E-mail and Home Page addresses so people can locate you on the Net.
Switchboard - FREE nationwide residential and business directory of over 90 million names and 10 million businesses. You can register with switchboard, receive a password, and edit your listing, add your e-mail and home page URL, business affiliations, personal message and even ask that your listing NOT be shown. This is a great way to look for living relatives. Can search on full or surname and by city or even just state.
Internet Address Finder - Internet Address Finder has almost 4 million listings. It lists E-mail, town, state, home page and interests or hobbies. This one can also perform a reverse search. Have an E-mail address and don't know who it belongs to? If that party is listed with IAF, this will give you the name and location. You can even include obsolete E-mail adresses so peoples can find you when you change your E-mail address. Add your listing today! Search
World Wide Yellow Pages - This is a directory of listed businesses with WWW addresses. Use the search feature or browse by headings, name or location.
This page created and maintained by Linda Norman Garrison
You are Visitor since March 1, 1996